ECE 220

Lab Experiments, Fall 2001

All Lab sections will meet in Sci & Tech II, Room 137. The Lab experiments are designed and intended to complement the material presented in class in order to strengthen the students' understanding of the material. Students are expected to be well prepared when they come to the Lab in order to make the most efficient use of their time. 

Formats for lab reports -- This is the normal format that provides the general guidelines for all the lab reports. If there are any special instructions for a particular lab, they will be provided by your GTA.

LAB FINAL EXAM -- There will be a final exam in the lab. It will be given during the normal lab sessions the last week of the semester. 


Lab #1, Review of MATLAB for signals and systems, 1 week

Lab #2, Fourier series for periodic signals, 2 weeks

Lab #3, Fourier transforms for nonperiodic signals, 2 weeks

Lab #4, Frequency responses and sinusoidal signals, 1 week

Lab #5, Laplace transforms and time responses, 2 weeks

Lab #6, Bode Plots, 2 weeks

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Latest revision on Friday, May 19, 2006 10:54 AM