ECE 320

Signals and Systems II
Spring '98

Class Time: Tuesday & Thursday, 3:00 - 4:15 p.m., Robinson Hall, Room B103, Dr. Beale
Graduate Teaching Assistant: TBA
Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ECE 220 or POI.
Text: Signals and Systems, Continuous and Discrete, Third Edition, R.E. Ziemer, W.H. Tranter, and D.R. Fannin,
Macmillan Publishing, 1993, Chapters 8 - 10.

ECE 320 is a continuation of ECE 220, Signals and Systems I. This second semester will consider signals and systems in discrete time. A strong analogy with the material presented for continuous-time signals and systems in the first semester will be seen. Signals and systems will be described and analyzed in both the time and frequency domains.

Examples ECE 320 Lab
Objectives Grading Important Dates Course Outline


Introduce students to the relationships between continuous-time signals and sampled versions of those signals.
Introduce students to methods of characterizing and analyzing discrete-time signals and systems in the time and frequency domains.
Introduce students to the relationships between the time and frequency domains for discrete-time signals and systems.

Course Requirements:

Important Dates:

Test #1, Chapter 8 -- Tuesday, February 24
Test #2, Chapter 9 -- Thursday, April 2
Final Exam, Chapter 10 -- Tuesday, May 12, 1998, 1:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m., Robinson Hall, Room B103.
Last day to drop classes without Dean's permission -- Friday, February 20.
No Class the week of March 9 due to Spring Break!!

Course Outline:

Review -- Review of signals and systems, properties of signals and systems in the time and frequency domains - 2 class periods.

Chapter 8 -- Discrete-time signals and systems, sampling continuous-time signals, analog-to-digital conversion, reconstruction of discrete-time signals, the Z-transform, difference equations - 8 class periods.

Chapter 9 -- Structure of digital filters, numerical integration, infinite impulse response digital filters, finite impulse response digital filters - 8 class periods.

Chapter 10 -- Discrete-time signals in the frequency domain, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), properties of the DFT, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm, windows for the FFT - 8 class periods.

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