OBJECTIVE: To provide a review for students to the powerful computer-aided control system analysis and design capabilities which are available at the University.
1. Using references for MATLAB and the computer systems in IT&E, review the capabilities of MATLAB as a design and analysis tool. In particular, examine the capabilities for control system analysis and design. Specifically, look at the capabilities of the MATLAB functions: bode, margin, rlocus, rlocfind, series, parallel, feedback, tf, tfdata, logspace, semilogx, step, lsim, roots, pole, tzero, damp, angle, abs, poly, polyval, pzmap, find, unwrap, linspace, conv, size, length, real, imag, sum, prod, eval.2. Assume that the following transfer function models a system to be controlled which is used in a unity feedback configuration. Using the specification that the steady-state error for a ramp input should be 0.001, find the value of the gain K to achieve this. Use MATLAB to find the closed-loop poles with that K. Is the closed-loop system stable?
3. Using the gain found in step 2, generate Bode plots for magnitude and phase of the open-loop system. Find the gain and phase margins. Are your results consistent with your analysis on system stability? Plot the closed-loop step response.4. Plot the root locus for this system. Determine the value of the gain K at the point where the root locus branches cross the imaginary axis, and the frequency value at the crossing.
5. Approximating Gp(s) as the 2nd-order system 4K/[s(s + 0.4)], select K such that the damping ratio is 0.707. Determine the closed-loop stability and the gain and phase margins with the new value of K (and the complete Gp(s) transfer function). Plot the step and ramp responses. What is the steady-state error for a ramp input? Use MATLAB to find the maximum overshoot.
Write a report including the plots that you made, your procedures for selecting the values of K, your analyses of system stability and performance, and a discussion of the capabilities and ease of use of MATLAB in performing this work.
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Latest revision on Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:27 AM