OBJECTIVE: To design a compensator for the given system such that the closed-loop system satisfies a set of time-domain performance objectives.
The system to be controlled is the heading angle of a ship. The input to the system is the rudder angle, and the output is the heading angle. The transfer function for a linear model of the Mariner-class cargo ship with nominal parameter values is shown below. The closed-loop response for a unit step input must satisfy the following specifications:
the controller must contain an integrator to offset constant disturbances acting at the ship input;
the settling time (2%) must be less than 150 seconds;
the overshoot must be less than 15%; and
the maximum absolute value of the rudder angle must be less than 5.
Design a compensator which accomplishes this. Determine the actual closed-loop step response overshoot and settling time for the compensated system and also for the uncompensated system (closed-loop and with a gain of -1 in series with the uncompensated system's transfer function). Determine the rudder angle for the compensated system.
Write a report which documents your design process. Discuss how satisfying the performance specifications is related to the locations of the closed-loop poles. Include time domain plots, and other plots if appropriate, to illustrate and justify your work.
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