Lab Time: Monday, 12:00 - 2:50 p.m., S&T I, Rm. 2B
Graduate Teaching Assistant:
Joseph Kim
Prerequisites: ECE 421 or POI.
ECE 422 is not a co-requisite for
this lab.
The faculty supervisor for this course is Dr. Beale, Room 257, Science and Technology II,
993-1596. The GTA will be responsible for providing assistance to
the students during the lab and during his office hours. The GTA will also be responsible for all
grading in the lab, and will set standards for the grading. The weighting of the various experiments will be
based on the number of weeks assigned to the experiments.
The objective of this laboratory is to enable the students to strengthen
their understanding of the design and analysis of control systems through
practical exercises. This will be accomplished by using modern software
resources to analyze and simulate the performance of realistic system models
and to design control systems to satisfy various performance specifications.
The control systems laboratory consists of three separate units. Each unit consists of several experiments.
Unit A involves analysis and controller design for a fairly simple system model.
Unit B involves the
design and implementation of control systems using actual hardware. Unit C involves
compensator design for a system involving uncertainty and nonlinearities.
Students in the lab will be divided into groups of two students each. Students will document each experiment with
a description of their procedures, results of their analysis or design, and plots as appropriate.
The reports for the
various experiments within a particular set will be turned in to the GTA at one time when the set is completed.
Unit B -- 7 weeks:
Unit C -- 3 weeks:
Unit A -- 3 weeks:
This set of experiments is intended to provide students with a review of
standard control system design techniques for a fairly simple single-block
system. Gain compensation is used initially, and then dynamic
compensators, such as phase lead or phase lag, are used to satisfy certain
performance requirements. Requirements are given in both the time domain
and frequency domain.
Unit A.1, Unit A.2,
Unit A.3
This set of experiments is intended to introduce students to the design of
control systems for more realistic applications, and to interface their
control designs with actual hardware. Control design will be done in MATLAB
on a PC, and the designs will then downloaded to the dedicated control processor.
The hardware to be controlled consists of a multi-inertia mechanical rotational
system. Students are able to see the effects of different control designs
on the responses of an actual system, the effects of hardware limits, and the
effects of implementing control designs on a computer.
The transfer function which is to be used in this set of experiments
represents the relationship between the heading angle of a ship and the
angle of the rudder used for controlling heading. A compensator will be designed
for the nominal linear system model, and the performance of the closed-loop system
will be evaluated. Following that, nonlinearities and changes to the ship model will
be introduced, and their effects on performance and stability will be investigated.
Unit C.1, Unit C.2
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Latest revision on Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:40 AM