ECE 620

Optimal Control Theory

Fall 1996: Tuesday, 4:30-7:10 p.m., S&T II, Rm. 460, Dr. Beale

Prerequisites: ECE 521

Text: Optimal Control, 2nd Edition, F.L Lewis and V.L Syrmos, John Wiley & Sons, 1995.


To provide the student with the purposes, terminology, and fundamental mathematics of optimal control theory.
To enable the student to intelligently evaluate optimal control techniques and to design control systems which behave in an optimal fashion.
To enable the student to understand the literature and conduct research in the field of optimal control.

Course Requirements:

There will be a mid-term exam, counting 25% and a final exam, counting 35% of the course grade. These are generally in-class exams, open book and open notes.
There will be one design project and one technical paper review during the course. The design project counts 25% of the course, and the paper review counts 15%. The design project will be assigned the third week of class, and the paper review will be assigned after the mid-term exam. Both are due at the end of the semester.

Course Outline, Fall '96:

Chapter 1 -- Introduction: what optimal control is, comparison with classical control, useful performance measures, an optimal control example, static optimization - 1.5 weeks.
Chapter 2 -- General discrete-time optimal control problem for dynamic systems, discrete linear quadratic regulator, the steady-state regulator and its properties, frequency domain results - 3.5 weeks.
Chapter 3 -- Dynamic continuous time systems, the general optimal control problem, Pontryagin’s minimum principle, the linear quadratic regulator problem, the steady-state regulator, robustness of the continuous-time regulator (some material from Chapter 9) - 4 weeks.
Chapter 4 -- Continuous-time and discrete-time optimal tracking control - 2 weeks.
Chapter 5 -- The Minimum Principle for constrained input problems, minimum time control, minimum fuel control - 2 weeks.
Chapter 7 -- Polynomial formulation for discrete-time systems, polynomial performance indices, optimal polynomial control - 1 week.

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