ECE 720 -- Design Project #2

Turbo-Generator Model -- LQG/LTR Design

ECE 720, Spring 1996, Assigned 3/7/96, Due 5/9/96

  • The state space model for the turbo-generator is given on pages 406-407 of the text book. It is a 2-input, 2-output, 6-state model given in terms of its continuous-time state space representation. The LQG/LTR design procedure is to be used to design a controller for this system such that the following specifications are satisfied:
    1. the robustness produced by the final compensator should protect against changes in the C matrix of the state-space description of the system;
    2. the closed-loop bandwidth must be approximately 0.5 rad/sec;
    3. the sensitivity must not exceed a value of 0.1 for all frequencies < 0.05 rad/sec for any signal direction;
    4. the amplification from sensor noise input to the output should not exceed 0.002 for any frequency > 50 rad/sec for any signal direction.