ECE 590

Special Topics: Digital Simulation of Dynamic Systems

Fall 1996: Wednesday, 7:20-10:00 p.m., S&T II, Rm. 260, Dr. Beale


Undergraduates: Grade of C or better in ECE 421 or POI
Graduates: ECE 421 or ECE 521 or POI
Text: Digital Simulation of Dynamic Systems: A Control Theory Approach
T.T. Hartley, G.O. Beale, and S.P. Chicatelli, Prentice Hall, 1994.


Objectives: Learn the purposes, terminology, characteristics, and limitations of digital simulation.
Learn methods used to get stable and accurate simulations of dynamic systems.
Learn the interrelationships between system, simulation method, and simulation timestep.
Learn how to handle the special simulation requirements of certain types of systems.

Topics Covered:

The why, what, and how of digital simulation
Creating digital simulations from continuous-time transfer functions through substitution
Numerical integration, linear multistep integration algorithms, stability regions
Runge-Kutta integration algorithms, variable timestep methods, accuracy control
Special simulation needs of stiff systems
Simulation of nonlinear systems, chaotic simulation results

Course Outline:

Chapter 1 -- Introduction, what is simulation, why do we use it, what are its characteristics - 1/2 class period.
Chapter 2 -- Sampling continuous-time signals, data reconstruction - 1 class period.
Chapter 3 -- Operational substitution methods for developing discrete- time transfer functions - 1.5 class periods.
Chapter 4 -- Linear multistep integration methods, stability regions, predictor-corrector algorithms - 3 class periods.
Chapter 5 -- Further detail on linear multistep stability regions, inside the lambda_T plane - 1 class period.
Chapter 6 -- Runge-Kutta integration methods, accuracy control with variable timestep methods - 2 class periods.
Chapter 7 -- Stiff systems, stability region placement methods, Inverse Nyquist arrays - 2 class periods.
Chapter 8 -- Nonlinear systems, simulation of systems with chaos - 2 class periods.

Course Requirements:

There will be a mid-term exam and a final exam, each counting 30% of the course grade.
There will be two projects involving the design and evaluation of digital simulations of continuous-time dynamic systems. The purpose of the projects is to provide students the opportunity to apply the theoretical aspects of simulation in a realistic environment. The first design project will be assigned in the second week of class, and the second design project will be assigned after the mid-term exam. Each project counts 20% of the course grade.

Design Project #1, Fall 1996

Design Project #2, Fall 1996

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