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Learning From Data

Learning From Data is a course that I am very excited about. It is an entry-level course in what many would call Machine Learning. I developed this course while teaching in Korea from 20111-2014, and brought this course to GMU where I have been teaching it for four years. As with any course, it has evolved over the years. In an attempt to get students engaged in working with real data on real problems, the exercises using Scikit-Learn along with some projects have been increased., while making sure the student still understands what is going on "under the hood."

In the fall of 2021, this course was offered asynchronously online for the first time. To make it more engaging, 87 lecture modules organized into 14 clusters were developed. Each module considers a specific concept and typically lasts for 10-30 minutes, and more modules are being added every month.

ECE Department Newsletter

Twice a year, the ECE Department publishes a Newsletter, Edited by Smriti Kansal that features faculty profiles, new deparment initiatives, focus stories on fascinating research projects, student awards and honors, and many more articles of interest to the broad community. The cover story of the latest newsletter published in the spring of 2020 is "An Inside View to Big Data Technologies" and and link to the newsletter is given below.

Past Newsletters

Fall 2019
Spring 2019
Fall 2018
Spring 2018

Related Links


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A dream you dream alone is only a dream.
A dream you dream together is a reality ... John Lennon.