Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering George Mason University Volgenau School of Engineering

The Viewgraphs of the lectures and Homework Assignments are available on My Mason for students registered for this class.

Updated 3/27/17
Lecture DateTopic Due
1 January 24thIntroduction, Number theory: groups and fields
2 January 31stGalois fields theory HW 1
3 February  7thImplementation of Galois field arithmetic and CryptosystemsHW 2, Draft Project Specifications
4 February 14thAdvanced Encryption Standard (AES) HW 3
5 February 21stElliptic Curve Cryptography HW 4, Project Specifications
6 February 28thSide Channel Analysis: Timing and Power HW 5
7 March  7thMidterm Exam
March 14thSpring Break
8 March 21stLong number arithmetic: Montgomery and Karatsuba-Offman Progress Reports
9 March 28thExponentiation algorithms HW 6
10 April  4thStream ciphers and Linear Feedback Shift Registers HW 7
11 April 11thIdentity Based Encryption HW 8
12 April 18thAttacks against Discrete Logarithms: Shank's algorithm, Pollard's-rho method, Index calculus method HW 9
13 April 25thSecret sharing, threshold schemes, zero knowledge proofs Draft Project Paper
14 May  2ndSide Channel Analysis: Fault and Cache HW 10, Project Paper Reviews
May  5thProject Presentations (4:30pm-9:00pm)
May  9thReading Day Final Project Paper
May 16thFinal Exam

The schedule is subject to change!